Harry Keswani, President and Founder of the Harry K Foundation, and his wife Sonia Keswani, Harry K Board Member, are pleased with the success of the event(Left to Right) Francesca Carbone, Bobbi Wittenburg, and Patti Garrison have a good time selling chances for the rafflesChristina Minnick oversees the 50-50 raffle(Left to Right) Carole Monte, Susan Firestone, Linda Thomas, Barbara Woodall, Vanessa Barnabei, and Joanne Harrigan clearly enjoyed the festivitiesHarry K Foundation Board Members Bobbi Wittenburg (left) and Barbara Shuster, Harry K coordinators of the luncheon, worked hard to exceed expectationsSandy McNeil (in red) selling tickets to a guest who is hoping to win one of the many beautiful silent auction baskets.(Left to Right) Bobbi Wittenburg, Barbara Shuster, Mary O’Neil, and Paula Wissmann take a break from working the room (Left to Right) Fran Parker, Sharon Shipp, and Mary Kowalewski manning the check-in table(Left to Right) Carole Monte, Susan Firestone, Linda Thomas, Barbara Woodall, Vanessa Barnabei, and Joanne Harrigan clearly enjoyed the festivitiesChocolate Crawl 1st Place: Sirocco (L-R) Marcus Katsetos, Harry Keswani, Clay Drake, Forrest Staub, Alli HutchinsonChocolate Crawl 2nd Place: Downtown Blues (L-R) Ryan Helminiak, Harry Keswani, Nicole GiannellaChocolate Crawl 3rd Place: The Ice Cream Store (L-R) Jack Pencek, Harry Keswani, Bella Gentile, Kali ButlerChocolate Crawl Winners and Harry K Foundation (HKF) Team (L-R) Chip Hearn (The Ice Cream Store), Jack Pencek , Kali Butler, Ryan Helminiak, Bella Gentile, Nicole Gianella, Forrest Staub, Harry Keswani (HKF), Robyn Rosenfeld Aburrow (HKF), Marcus Katsetos, Laura Glasgoe (HKF), Val Lovse (HKF), Clay Drake, Not Pictured: Kathy Andrus and Michael Glascoe (HKF)